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Brock Student Election 2025

This election is for BUSU's Board of Directors, Brock Senate, and Brock Press Board of Directors. Log in using your Brock ID in the top right of this site to view candidate profiles, and vote Feb. 11 to 13.

4 posts are up for election.

Nominations are now closed.

The polls are open and will close at 21:00 on Thursday 13 February 2025 (in 24 hours)

Candidate List
See who's running for each post and read their manifestos.

View the Candidate list above to read all about the candidates running for BUSU Board, Brock Senate, and Brock Press Board. Learn about their skills and experience, so you can make an informed decision when you vote, right here, Feb. 11 to 13!


Are you a member of a BUSU Club? You can vote below for your club's executives.

Clubs Election 2025

This election is for Club members to vote for their President, VPs, and other roles as applicable. Please note that you must be a Brock undergraduate student to participate. Log in using your Brock ID in the top right of this site to view available seats, get instructions on how to become a candidate, and vote via the links below.

653 posts are up for election.

Nominations are now closed.

The polls are open and will close at 21:00 on Thursday 13 February 2025 (in 24 hours)


About BUSU Elections

Each school year, BUSU hosts two elections for undergraduate students to select their representatives on the BUSU Board of Directors, and Brock Senate. Students also vote on referendum questions relating to student fees or BUSU’s governing legislation.

Election Periods

October By-Election

The primary purpose of the October election is to fill any vacant seats throughout BUSU's representative bodies.

February Election

The purpose of the February election period is to elect your Directors of the Board, which is BUSU’s highest governing body that oversees legislation, human resources, financial and legal decisions. 

Also, this is the period where students are elected to sit on Brock's Senate which oversees the academic policy of the University.

Election Results Feb 2024


BUSU Board Member (One Year Seat): 


Charlie Martin  

Dina Ibrahim 

Ian Bhimani 

Mohiz Imtiaz 

Randa Joatar 


BUSU Board Member (Two Year Seat): 

Irene Leela Charley  

Mohamed Ahmed 

Tomas Oviedo 

Charles Liao 

Brock Senate: 

Asmara Kaleem  

Tochukwu Daniel 

John Ross 

The new student centre referendum passed with 79.9% of students voting YES.  
Yes – 1583 (79.9%) 
No – 397 (20.1%) 

Quorum was met with 15.09% of Brock (Full-Time Equivalent) students voting 
*Please note, the voter turnout percentage varies slightly between the the above and the full PDF results below, as we measure by Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) as per our bylaws. 



Want to get involved?

Vist our Opportunities page to sign up for volunteer opportunities with our Elections Team.

FAQs about running in an election

What are the responsibilities of each position

The Brock University Students Union Board of Directors is a governing body that oversees the financial, legal and HR matters of your students union. It consists of 13 voting students and the BUSU General Manager (non voting). The Board meets 1-2 times per month for approximately 2-3 hours each meeting. You can find out more information about the BUSU Board of Directors HERE. The Brock University Senate is a body that oversees the academic policy of the University. The Senate is made up of approximately 70 members of administration, faculty and students. BUSU elects 6 students to sit on the Senate along with our Vice President University Affairs. Senate meets monthly.

What voting software does BUSU use to ensure a fair election?

BUSU run their elections through third-party voting software. The third-party company is called UK MSL: https://www.ukmsl.com/products/students-organisations/democracy-and-representation-and-the-student-voice/#Safeguarding This software is easily embedded in the BUSU website so students can access voting from any device. All students must log in using their Brock student ID to ensure they are a member of the organization and are able to vote. BUSU staff DO NOT have access to voter information nor the ability to alter votes, remove votes, or control the outcome of an election. Staff can see how many votes have been cast and who has been elected to each seat after voting closes. No results are released until voting closes.

What are the requirements for running?

To sit on the BUSU Board of Directors you must be a currently registered undergraduate student (during the time of the election), have a minimum 60% average and be 18 years of age or older. To sit on the Brock Senate you must be a currently registered undergraduate student throughout the entire term, have a minimum 60% average, and successfully completed 4 credits.

What are the time commitments of each position?

The BUSU Board meets monthly for approximately 2-3 hours. Additional meetings may be called as needed. You will also be required to attend a day of training in May. The Brock Senate meets monthly for approximately 2 hours. You will also have the opportunity to sit on one of several Senate committees. You will also be required to meet with your fellow Senators before each meeting to review the agenda and discuss.

Are the positions paid?

The BUSU Board positions are voluntary. The Brock Senate positions come with a honorarium based on attendance and active participation.

Is there a cost to participating in the election?

No! BUSU provides all candidates with a budget of $100-150 to run their campaign. The money can be spent on headshots, graphic design, social media advertising, etc. All expenses will be reimbursed to the candidates at the conclusion of the election. Going over the budget will result in a financial penalty or removal from the race.

How should I develop my platform?

Our recommendation is to campaign on why YOU would be a great representative for students. Share your previous experience, club involvement, etc. We recommend each candidate to review the BUSU Strategic Plan found HERE. We can also put you in touch with current representatives to help answer any questions you might have and provide guidance. Contact our team at elections@brockbusu.ca for more information.

What does campaigning look like?

At the beginning of each campaign period the candidates will be given a “handbook” to help guide them through the campaign process. Candidates are encouraged to campaign in the hallways, speak to classes (if approved by the professor) and campaign online. BUSU will also provide opportunities for the candidates to connect with students through online videos and possibly debates. This will vary depending on the campaign period and number of candidates.

Who should I contact if I have a question regarding election rules?

You can contact our Returning Officer at elections@brockbusu.ca

More questions?

We're here to help! We welcome you to contact our Elections Team at elections@brockbusu.ca.


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