Black Students' Association


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Talk to us


About Black Students' Association


Upcoming Events

No upcoming events

Our Trusted Partners

A little bit about us...

"To inspire and enable Black students and other equity-seeking students to use their voices to make a difference in society today."
In this club, we would like to:

  • Increase diversity at Brock while also promoting equity among everyone.
  • Create a voice for Black students and other minorities and shine a light on demographics that feel out of place and misrepresented at Brock.
  • Create a positive and uplifting platform for black students to thrive!
  • Connect with other Black Student Associations across Canadian universities to create a sense of interconnectivity and inclusivity.
  • To raise awareness about the issues that minorities are currently facing.



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No events currently planned
No articles have been published yet

Advisory Committees Selection 2024

Nominate yourself for a BUSU Advisory Committee here and vote for your fellow A Team members. Log in at the top right of this site to nominate and vote.

6 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 23:59 on Thursday 12 September 2024 (in 6 weeks and 5 days)

The polls open at 00:01 on Friday 13 September 2024 (in 6 weeks and 5 days)

Post List
Read more about the positions up for election and what each role entails.

Test Election

This election is to test a new voting system for BUSU elections. Log in at the top right of this site and vote for the test candidates below.

1 post is up for election.

Nominations close at 23:59 on Sunday 18 August 2024 (in 3 weeks and 1 days)

The polls open at 00:01 on Thursday 19 June 2025 (in 46 weeks and 4 days)

Post List
Read more about the positions up for election and what each role entails.
Candidate List
See who's running for each post and read their manifestos.